Ski Country Sports
Ski Country Sports, located across from Sugar Mountain Ski Resort is the largest independent ski & snowboard rental operator below the Mason-Dixon line; with 2,500 + sets of the latest ski & snowboardSki Country Sports, located across from Sugar Mountain Ski Resort is the largest independent ski & snowboard rental operator below the Mason-Dixon line; with 2,500 + sets of the latest ski & snowboard
Crossnore Weavers & Gallery
Now a boarding & non-boarding school in Crossnore, NC Crossnore Weavers, located in Crossnore, Avery campus, NC preserves the Appalachian art of hand-weaving; the weaving room offers meaningful goods.Now a boarding & non-boarding school in Crossnore, NC Crossnore Weavers, located in Crossnore, Avery campus, NC preserves the Appalachian art of hand-weaving; the weaving room offers meaningful goods.
Banner Elk Shirt Company
Locally designed custom t-shirts. Souvenir shirts and gifts.The best souvenir shop in the Banner Elk, NC area!
Assorted souvenirs, decor, apple butter and so much more!
Locally designed custom t-shirts. Souvenir shirts and gifts.
The best souvenir shop in the Banner Elk, NC area!
Assorted souvenirs, decor, apple butter and so much more!
Avery County Habitat ReStore
Habitat for Humanity in Newland, North Carolina has volunteers provide most of the labor, and individual, church, and corporate donors provide the resources necessary to build Habitat housesHabitat for Humanity in Newland, North Carolina has volunteers provide most of the labor, and individual, church, and corporate donors provide the resources necessary to build Habitat houses