(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Acorn Cabin Gifts, LLC


Local Artisans

About Us

A locally owned business whose focus is to facilitate central locations where our resident, artists/makers can share and sell their various creations with our community. We also have basic toiletries for travelers as well as souvenir apparel and gifts to fulfill everyone's needs.

History: The owner has vast experience in retail. He started his career at Toys R Us Corp. in inventory control, moving up to finance. He moved to Party City Corp. to build a Merchandise Financial Planning Department and ended his career at Belk as Director of Planning.

Our mission is to provide a unique shopping experience to customers who appreciate finding quality original items that cannot be found elsewhere; all while supporting our local artist community.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide