Appalachian Regional Behavioral Health
About Us
Now open: A place for empowerment and healing
Our behavioral health patients are also our community members – friends, neighbors, and family members who, at any given time, may be having a hard time coping with circumstances in their lives and need intervention.
Inpatient Behavioral Health Hospital: NOW OPEN. Since 2008, Cannon Memorial Hospital has provided a safe and secure space for mental health patients who perhaps would have nowhere to go, or would have to travel a distance to find help. Our recently established independent, freestanding Appalachian Regional Behavioral Health Hospital will extend that to even more patients in the years to come.
The Outpatient Behavioral Health Program meets the needs of adults, children and families experiencing a variety of problematic behaviors, thoughts and life patterns. Services provided include: testing, assessment and evaluation, individual and family therapy, medication management and skill building.
With a 96% patient / family satisfaction rate, the professionals at Appalachian Regional Behavioral Health are clearly passionate about their patients and seeing them progress. They work to meet the patient where they are and provide them with the care they need so they can thrive.
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