(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Blue Ridge Conservancy

Blue Ridge Conservancy



About Us

Blue Ridge Conservancy is a private, non-profit organization incorporated in North Carolina. Since our founding, we have protected over 23,000 acres in Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey Counties. In addition to protecting working farmland, BRC's efforts have resulted in the creation of state natural areas like Beech Creek Bog, Bear Paw and Bullhead Mountain. We continue to help Elk Knob State Park and Grandfather Mountain State Park expand their borders and we led the way in establishing a 3,600-acre State Game Land preserve on Pond Mountain in Ashe County.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide