(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Crossnore Presbyterian Church

Crossnore Presbyterian Church



About Us

The Crossnore Presbyterian congregation consists of 100 members and many friends of the congregation, a mixture of those who are still working, those who are raising families, and mostly those who are retired.

Although we are a small congregation, we are deeply engaged in both the ministry and mission of Christ. During the summer and fall seasons, our attendance averages around 85-100 members and friends; during the winter and spring seasons, our attendance averages around 50-60 members.

We have a wide circle of involvement from church Elders, Active and Affiliate members, some who are involved year round, others who live in the mountains for a few months, to those who drop in from time to time. Even if someone visits occasionally, they are connected to the church family through mid-week news emails, seasonal mailings, and even phone calls.

Crossnore Presbyterian Church believes that Christ calls us to grow in faith and to care for each other. We fulfill this call in many ways including our weekly Sunday School and Worship and our weekly Bible Study group. The church also holds special forums on contemporary issues of life and faith and hosts a Summer Speakers Series. We gather for monthly potluck luncheons, concerts, and coffee houses.

Our home-bound, our sick, and those living with grief are cared for with calls, cards, visits, and meals. Pastor Kathy regularly invites people to go out to lunch after worship. The women are invited to Ladies Night Out bi-weekly on Wednesday nights.

Our historic rock sanctuary sets the scene for traditional worship.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide