Elk Park United Methodist Church
About Us
Elk Park United Methodist Church is a congregation that follows the teachings of Jesus and seeks to spread God’s love and transform our community. We enjoy fellowship through worship, Sunday School, open conversations, bible studies, meditative/prayer services, fellowship activities and community outreach programs. We open our doors to everyone. All are welcome here.
Elk Park United Methodist Church was established in 1884 as Elk Park Methodist Episcopal Church South. In the early days, a coal burning stove was used to heat the sanctuary during the winter weather. The church building burned twice and was rebuilt (1911 and 1950). Many renovations have occurred in the church over the years including adding a steeple, updating the fellowship hall, replacing entrance way with cement steps and walkway, adding new front doors, adding stained glass windows, a new furnace, air conditioning and a lift from the lower level to the sanctuary.
The church has always been a central part of the Elk Park community providing youth groups and strong leadership for the young people of Elk Park. Vacation Bible Schools and revivals were a part of the early summers and Women’s Group met for Bible study and to plan and prepare food for church events. EPUMC collaborated with other churches in Elk Park to have community Easter Sunrise Services and Thanksgiving Services. In the early 1970s and 1980s, the church operated a daycare program and the children and director were very involved in the church.
The congregation has always been focused on community outreach providing gifts to local nursi