(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Feeding Avery Families

Feeding Avery Families



About Us

Feeding Avery Families (FAF) is a non-profit Christian organization in Avery County NC dedicated to eliminating hunger by any means possible including monetary donations, volunteerism, or food donations. Our Food Bank serves the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain towns of Newland, Banner Elk, Beech Mountain, Sugar Mountain, Crossnore, Linville, and Elk Park – providing enough food for 400,000+ meals in 2022.

Need Food? New Location Opened April 2023!

Feeding Avery Families distributes food in many ways. The most convenient option is at our Distribution Center in Newland (189 Old Vale Road in Newland, behind the Avery County Board of Education near Ingle’s) by appointment. Once each month, families receive boxes of groceries, frozen meats, fresh produce and more. Stop in on the first four Wednesdays each month, 9-11:30 AM & 1-3 PM, to learn more and schedule an appointment, We are closed each 5th Friday (in 2023, they occur in March, June, September, and December). Call 828-783-8506 for details. Read about eligibility requirements.

Our distribution center is set up like a small grocery store. Clients visit once a month and leave with about 60 pounds of food: a wide selection of non-perishable items, loaves of bread, desserts, meats, fresh produce, and dairy products.

In 2022, we distributed 442,000 pounds of food – thanks to many hard-working volunteers and generous contributions. We provided food to thousands of families through our programs.

Want to volunteer?

Fantastic! Our hundreds of volunteers do most of the work. Read about current opportunities and sign up.


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Travel Guide

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Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

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