Hospitality House of Northwest NC
Civic/Church/EducationHuman ServicesNon-Profit Organizations
Always Available
About Us
Hospitality House, a regional nonprofit homeless services agency, works in seven rural North Carolina counties (Watauga, Wilkes, Ashe, Avery, Alleghany, Mitchell, Yancey) providing housing, shelter, hunger relief, homeless prevention, street outreach, counseling and crisis assistance.
Since 1984, the mission of Hospitality House has been to rebuild lives and strengthen community withg a safe, nurturing, healthy environment where individuals & families experiencing homelessness and poverty-related crises are equipped to become self-sufficient and productive.
Coordinated Entry Process:
If you are currently homeless, please call (828) 264-1237 and request to speak with the Emergency Shelter Coordinator. Hospitality House operates in a way that each individual and family experiencing homelessness receives an assessment. Those demonstrating the highest level of need will be prioritized for housing services.
Day Services:
For those in our community who are unable or choose not to stay at Hospitality House, we offer breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, showers, laundry facilities, computer access, internet access, telephone access, First Aid, winter coats and blankets.
Night-by-Night Shelter:
Each night our Conference Room & Dining Room become sleeping quarters. Men, women and children seeking shelter must arrive prior to 5:30 pm each day. Anyone experiencing homelessness, living in a tent, car or uninhabitable structure is eligible.
Emergency Shelter Program:
Prior to or on the day of becoming homeless CALL US at (828) 264-1237 to check availability.
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