Kiwanis Club of Banner Elk-C
About Us
Our Mission - Kiwanis of Banner Elk is dedicated to helping the youth in our community. Over the past 40 years we have given out over a million dollars in grants to help organizations that focus on the youth.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.
Tuesdays, 11:30, at Holston Camp & Retreat Center. All interested individuals and vacationing Kiwanians are invited to come visit for lunch.
Yearly events include the Woolly Worm Festival, co-sponsored with the Avery County Chamber of Commerce; July 4th Party in the Park and fund-raising Duck Races held in Tate Evans Park in Banner Elk; Kiwanis One Day Community Service Project; and Trunk or Treat.
The 2023 Woolly Worm Festival is Saturday and Sunday October 21 & 22
The Woolly Worm Festival is co-sponsored by The Kiwanis Club and the Avery County Chamber of Commerce. All proceeds that Kiwanis earns go back to benefit the children of Avery County. One year, Avery County school students received laptop computers!
The Kiwanis Club:
Community Service - From cleaning up roadsides, to building children's parks; Banner Elk Kiwanis is always dedicated to helping our community improve its appearances.
Grants to the community - Giving back to help our local non profits and organizations that help children.
Terrific Kids - All Avery County Elementary Schools will be taking part in the Terrific Kid program that promotes character development, self esteem and perseverance.
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