(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Mayland Community College

Mayland Community College



About Us

Mayland Community College is located in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina. It is currently one of 58 institutions operating under the North Carolina Community College System.

Mayland offers a variety of curriculum programs, including numerous college transfer options, as well as adult education, distance learning, and dual enrollment for high school students. The open-door admission policy accepts students as young as 14, in the Early College High School, and as senior as octogenarians, in the Continuing Education Program.

To assist the local workforce, MCC provides hundreds of workforce development and continuing education courses that directly serve the needs of local and regional business and industries, as well as the civic and cultural interests of the community. And the college’s recent revitalization involves a strong commitment to the economic development within the three counties it serves.

In addition, Mayland Community College offers correctional education at Avery/Mitchell and Mountain View correctional facilities.

Our successes and achievements consistently receive national rankings.

10th ranked college on the 50 top community colleges — thebestschools.org
32nd ranked college in the top 50 community colleges — Washington Monthly
9th ranked college in the nation’s top 10 community colleges — Bankrate, Inc.
16th ranked in Community Colleges in the U.S. — Create A Career’s Top 25

In its role as the educational gateway to opportunity in Mitchell, Avery, and Yancey counties, Mayland values community, excellence, and opportunity above all.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide