Civic/Church/EducationHuman Services
24/7 hotline. Office hours vary. Call ahead for appointments.
About Us
OASIS has a philosophy of empowerment, which means every survivor is able to make the best decisions for themselves if given the support and resource referrals. We never tell anyone what they need to do. Instead, we help brainstorm ideas and look together at possibilities. We work closely with other helping agencies and can help survivors identify the different avenues of support available to them.
Founded in 1978, OASIS, Inc. is dedicated to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in Watauga and Avery Counties, North Carolina. OASIS works toward this mission in three ways, by:
1) Providing comprehensive emergency services, transitional support, and a safe environment for survivors as they explore options for a violence-free life.
2) Providing education and skill development to encourage families in our community to create and maintain healthy peer and intimate partner relationships that are based on respect and equality.
3) Helping to create a community that supports survivors through advocacy and education.