Todd Bush Photographer
About Us
We are providing a full featured online gallery of stock images which are available for download in a variety of subjects for advertising, editorial and personal uses. As our pages state - we specialize in images from the Southern Appalachians. As our collection of photography grows we are endeavoring to add images regularly and hope you find what you are looking for in other regions and topics as well.
Additional to your Stock Photography needs - please consider us for your photography assignment work. Our photographs have been published on book covers, posters, cards, calendars and in numerous magazines such as - National Geographic Adventure, Time, Ski Magazine, Family Fun, Southwest Art, Southern Living, Blue Ridge Country, Charlotte, Orlando, Our State and others. Our commercial clientele includes Architectural, Industrial, Artisan, Retail, Resort, Real Estate, Restaurant, Accommodation, Educational, Corporate, Entertainment, and Medical organizations, providing exciting imagery.
We are located across from the main entrance to Sugar Mountain Resort on Hwy 184 in the picturesque mountain town of Banner Elk, NC. We are open by appointment offering studio and location photography. Please Visit our studio online for more information.
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