(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Town of Seven Devils TDA


Townships & Chambers

About Us

Established as a resort in the 1960s, Seven Devils was incorporated in 1979. The Town is sheltered by the mile-high Hanging Rock Mountain and Dunveagan Peak, and is home to Hawksnest's Tubing and Zip line, one of the longest snow tubing and zip line facilities on the East Coast!

Nearly a mile high, the Town of Seven Devils is known for crisp mountain air and Carolina blue skies, dramatic views of nearby Grandfather Mountain, and the pointed peak of Hanging Rock that towers over town. Come to Seven Devils to experience natural beauty!

Nature is as close as a hike on Seven Devils’ trail to Otter Falls, now featuring expanded parking. Easy and high adventure hikes surround Seven Devils—check out a recent Our State magazine article for more options. Take a drive or a day hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Climb Grandfather mountain by car—or hike the famous Profile Trail—both are minutes away, with amazing views. Gaze at the view from the deck of your cozy Seven Devils cabin or condo, or head to the valley below to toast the scenery at Grandfather Vineyard. All are great destinations in any season! For more ideas check our Things to Do page.

However you choose to enjoy this season in Seven Devils, this town renowned for its spooky name is a short drive from all of the High Country’s resort towns, restaurants, nightspots, shops, and galleries.

Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide