(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Valle Crucis Conference Center



About Us

The Valle Crucis Conference Center is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina, part of the Episcopal Church.

Located on over 450 acres of mountain woodland and verdant farming valley, the Valle Crucis Conference Center is truly one of the more beautiful places on Earth. With its beauty comes a sense of timeless spiritual grace that transcends denomination or faith tradition.

The Valle Crucis Conference Center is located in the historic Mission School, featuring buildings dating from the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, nearly all of which are on the National Historic Register.

The Conference Center is open year-round to accommodate groups of 5 to 150. Rates include three hearty, nutritious meals a day and arguably the best towels in Western North Carolina lodgings.

Mission: To enable rest, renewal, and transformation through care for natural beauty and a true commitment to hospitality.

Core values:

We embody Christ in the world through a ministry of hospitality, by:
Preparing a safe, comfortable, beautiful space
Honoring the seeker, refreshing the weary, and nourishing the hungry
Being careful stewards of the Thin Place that is Valle Crucis

The Valle Crucis Conference Center is located just off Highway 194, halfway between Boone and Banner Elk. The Conference Center is approximately two hours from both the Tri-Cities Regional Airport in Johnson City, TN, and the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport in Charlotte.

Valle Crucis Conference Center is a Count On Me NC certified business.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide