(828) 898-5605 info@averycounty.com

Women's Fund of the Blue Ridge



About Us

Women's Fund of the Blue Ridge is a collective giving organization formed and sustained by a group of women philanthropists who want to make a positive impact on the lives of women and girls in the High Country.

Women's Fund of the Blue Ridge believes that all women have the right to equality, safety, opportunity, and self-determination in every aspect of their lives. We recognize our role as a leader in this community by working to achieve these principles through our grant making, advocacy, and community building.

We create positive change for women and girls in the High Country through collective giving.

Each year the WFBR distributes grants to non-profit community-based organizations for use in developing new or implementing existing programs or projects that benefit women and girls living in Ashe, Avery, and Watauga counties. Typical grants range from $1,500 - $15,000.

From year to year, we do not know how much we will have to spend on grants, and there are no guarantees that receipt of funding one year will result in future funding. In the past we have had many more applications requesting funding than we have been able to fund.


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Travel Guide

Explore the Extraordinary

Home of the Annual Woolly Worm Festival
and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

Visitor, Relocation and Business Guide