a dream, to give all children the security and excitement of going to school fully prepared with all that they need, regardless of their circumstances
Avery County Schools consists of three innovative high schools with grades 9-12, two middle schools with grades 6-8, five elementary schools with grades Pre-K - 5.
The Avery County, North Carolina Democratic Party is supporting local and state Democratic candidates, mobilizing voters, and organizing Avery County precincts.
The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is committed to preserving the past, enhancing the present, and safeguarding the future of America’s Favorite Journey ®
Crossnore Communities for Children is a 100-plus year old child welfare organization with three locations serving western North Carolina.
Welcome to Crossnore Presbyterian Church, also known as The Miracle in the Hills Church. We are located in Crossnore, North Carolina.
Dogwood Health Trust is a nonprofit organization that exists to dramatically improve the health and well-being of all people and communities of Western North Carolina.
Feeding Avery Families (FAF) is a non-profit Christian organization in Avery County dedicated to eliminating hunger by any means possible including monetary donations, volunteerism, or food donations.
Join Us
Currently we are meeting at:
141 Leigh Ln, Boone, NC 28607
Sundays @ 9:45am: Sunday School
Sundays @10:45am: Worship
Freedom Life Ministries bridges the gap from incarceration to community involvement addressing inside life, outside life, community life, and employment; located in Marion, North Carolina
Grandfather Community Foundation, emergency funds for team members, scholarships for Avery County High School students, grant assistance for non-profits serving Avery County, North Carolina
The High Country Caregivers supports families in which grandparents (and other relatives) are raising their grandchildren.
NC 211, a service provided by United Way of NC; families and individuals in all 100 counties in North Carolina obtain information on health and human services
A process to evaluate and develop career pathways resulting in skills gains that are recognized by employers. Pathways provide career ladders for youth and adults that result in employment.
We specialize in group accommodations, dining, lodging, and activities. We offer groups a safe and comfortable environment for spiritual, mental, and physical transformation. All are welcome.
Hospitality House, a regional nonprofit homeless services agency, works in seven rural North Carolina counties; Watauga, Wilkes, Ashe, Avery, Alleghany, Mitchell, Yancey; providing housing & shelter,
Kiwanis mission is improving the world, children and our local Avery County, NC community including supplying local school kids with books via our Reading is Fundamental program
Schedule a visit today!
Mayland Community College in Spruce Pine, NC offers curriculum programs, including many college transfer options, adult education, distance learning, & dual enrollment for high school students.
Mountain Alliance Avery is located within Avery High School, adjacent to the Media Center.
Mountainside Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, located on the grounds of Camp Linn Haven in Linville, NC
NCWorks is located in the Mayland Community College building in Newland, NC and is a powerful online job seeker/workforce services system, accessed as a website on the Internet
The Avery County Rotary participates in many charitable efforts in Avery County; a playground at the hospital, college scholarships; donations to Avery school children, 4H, YMCA, Habitat for Humanity
Our mission is to provide children with a wide array of diagnoses the opportunity to learn, grow and strive to become their ideal selves through equine related therapeutic & educational activities.
Free weekly classes for teens 12-18 March-November, the opportunity to be matched with paid apprenticeships (through Avery Connect), as well as assistance for teens creating their own business and the opportunity to participate in group social entrepreneurship projects.
Our mission is to create positive change for women and girls in the high country.
Printed courtesy of www.averycounty.com – Contact the Avery County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
4501 Tynecastle Hwy., Unit 14, Banner Elk, NC 28604 – (828) 898-5605 – office@averycounty.com